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Using multiple configurations

zcx allows you to have multiple configurations, and load a different one based on the name of your Live set (the name of your .als file).

To create an alternative config folder, first create a new folder in the same location as your old folder. This new folder must be prefixed with _config_, with a name of your choice following, e.g. _config_dj, _config_solo_set, _config_mixing.

Then, you will need to edit your preferences file, located in <your zcx folder>/preferences/preferences.yaml.

  - config: dj
    pattern: dj_set

  - config: solo_set
    pattern: >

  - config: mixing
    pattern: MIX

The config field is the name of the config to load, while the pattern field is a regex pattern.

Regular expressions don't need to be complex — the above patterns will match if they are found anywhere in the set name, i.e. a set called my cool song [solo] would load the solo_set config. !!!MIX! sound of the summer will load the mixing config, etc.

If no pattern matches, the default config (_config) will be loaded.


zcx only checks the set name when the control surface is reloaded.

After renaming the set, you may load the new config by reloading zcx