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frequently asked questions

What's all this then?

Have a look at the about page, or check out the source on GitHub.

What do I need to use zcx?

Do I need to be a coder to use zcx?

No programming knowledge is necessary to configure zcx. zcx configurations do make extensive use of a format called yaml, but it's pretty easy to pick up.

See also: reading zcx configurations.

What hardware is zcx available for?

See here.

Does zcx replace ClyphX?

Nope. zcx provides a way to interact with ClyphX that greatly expands your possibilities for performing with hardware controllers.

Does zcx replace X-controls and G-controls

That's up to you. zcx can be used to create a far more complex interface than is practical with native ClyphX. However, that power comes with a learning curve. Only you can decide whether this tradeoff is worth it.

Note: You can absolutely use X/G Controls alongside a zcx script. It is recommended that you use zcx for any matrix controllers, and native ClyphX controls for non-matrix controllers.

Can I use zcx with a non-matrix controller?

zcx is designed for matrix-equipped controllers. You could make a port for your hardware, and just not use the matrix features. That's up to you. Remember: each zcx script requires its own control surface slot.

Is there a Discord?

But of course.

How can I contribute?

See #contributing in the Discord.

What does 'zcx' stand for?
